Tuesday, May 10, 2011

barenaked ladies - history of everything

( as you may have recognized, this is the theme song of the big bang theory; i didn't know myself that it is actually a complete song, i always thought it is just a theme created just for the show; whatever, in two days i will write my last asronomy exam ever in my life, what made me think of the song; somehow, sitting in class and listening to all this scientific stuff we learn, i feel almost the same as watching the big bang theory, because i basically don't understand anything; however, i will somehow miss this subject, because it's my last scientific subject -except for biology and chemistry- i got in school and with all the maths it contained it always challenged me in a special way )


  1. Best of luck with the exam. I don't understand any of it either.
    I prefer the Small Pop theory, which can be nicely demonstrated with a packet of chips. and then everyone can eat the chips! Q.E.D.

  2. thank you! yes, that's a way easier theory.. and it's yummier, too! :D
